I created small 3×4″ ornaments for friends and family in 2021. I use the same process as with my larger copper plates, only miniaturized and with a different backing material. This will reduce the weight and thickness of the ornaments so that they will be easier to hang on a tree.

I made two different versions of the ornament design: one of just the island of Newfoundland and another of Newfoundland wearing a Santa hat. I created the them on my computer, sent them to my cutting machine, and cut out the stencils. The simpler Nfs have fewer colours, so are quicker to make when compared to the multicoloured Santa hat design.
My usual 1/4″ plywood backing material would be too thick and heavy to use for a small tree ornament, so I found some wood veneer to use instead. My other considerations were cork, fabric, or leather, but I liked the wood and copper pairing the best. The 3×4″ copper rectangles were cut out and fixed to the veneer with heavy duty double-sided tape.

I used red spray paint for the Santa hats after applying bits of painter’s tape to cover any gaps. After the paint cured, each other colour was done subsequently: the background, the dark “ink lines” in the hat, and the land parts. The final light parts of the image that remain bare copper are just protected with a clear coat to finish.

For a select few ornaments, I found some gift boxes to protect and store them for years to come. I also used thick copper wire to fashion hooks for hanging. I lined the small metal gift boxes with craft foam and pillow stuffing to keep them held snug inside.

Even at this small scale, I am able to get good detail out of the vinyl stencils without too much extra difficulty. My gifts were for people from Newfoundland, but there are many other holiday-themed designs I can implement in the future.
I can see myself making copper fridge magnets at this scale, which opens the door to many other kinds of designs. It will be good to be able to create smaller, less expensive items that may capture people’s interests.